About Me

I am a 35-year old wife and mother. I work as a V.R. Counselor II for Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired. Currently, I am also a Distance Education graduate student at Auburn University working on my master's in Rehabilitation Counseling.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

House Cleaning

Whew, I hate housework. I am happy to say that we have begun halling out the muck and starting to reclaim our house after two semesters of neglect. My husband will help if I get the ball rolling, but he does not begin without me. I understand that because I want him to help when I'm cleaning. At least maybe I'll begin the last year of my master's program with some order - won't say clean because that may jinx me.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

August Already?

Greetings and salutations! It has been awhile since I posted, and I can't believe it is August 5th. The good news is that my summer semester is over. I earned two A's and an "S" for satisfactory (as opposed to a "U" for unsatisfactory). Things are moving along now as my group and I are halfway to graduation. Now we get a two week break then go back to Auburn the week of August 21-25. I look forward to seeing everyone, but it's a rotten week to leave. My son turns 4 on the 24th and my anniversary is the Saturday after I return on Friday. Ah well, this will improve our lives later.

My Aunt from Georgia is in town this weekend. She wants to see my son, so I guess house cleaning is out for another day. No one is allowed to visit right now because my house is an absolute wreck! Not the kind of wreck like the people who say their house is a mess and mean they have a tiny bit of dust somewhere. I mean a bonafide wreck.

Well, going to enjoy some "down time." Later!