About Me

I am a 35-year old wife and mother. I work as a V.R. Counselor II for Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired. Currently, I am also a Distance Education graduate student at Auburn University working on my master's in Rehabilitation Counseling.

Friday, October 27, 2006

Sleep Study

Well, I spent last night hooked up to electrodes and trying to sleep "normally." I looked like something from one of the horror movies popular this time of year. They did not tell me much this morning. I thought they were going to keep me for a day study at first, but the new shift said I could go home. (Actually went to a unit meeting for work that was nice.) Apparently, I exhibited some signs of sleep apnea, but I also got a good deal of REM sleep, and they average it all. Next week is the follow-up visit, so I will know more.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Happy Thoughts

Feeling better this blog than last. Still stressing but focusing on the happy. My friend had her cochlear implant programmed and can hear some sounds in her ear for the first time in 31 years. These are exciting times!

My mother and I took my son for an eye exam. He has worn glasses since he was 18-months old. The pediatric ophthalmologist was great (as was his experience at the pediatric dentist office that he didn't want to leave a few weeks ago). He charmed the staff per usual for him and spoke to them as if their (polite) equal. He met another 4-year-old, only child in the play area. They were like two peas in a pod. That's cool since I was feeling like I was in the land of stepford a little bit again with the other parents. This child's mama was a lot like me, too.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

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commenting and trackback have been added to this blog.

Monday, October 02, 2006


My intention is not to only blog negative things, but this afternoon has been not so good. I stayed home from work because I felt a little yucky and needed to clean house. The cleaning house part went okay. I did not get everything done that I planned but a lot never-the-less.

This afternoon I discovered that our finances had flown south. That was not so unusual, and I would only have been a little sad about that normally. Situations arose that made it worse than usual.

Also this afternoon, I went to let the dogs inside before heading out to get my son. A stray had been in the neighbor's yard, so my dogs were nuts to go over there. They got away from me. I went in the house to lure them in with the dog treats. The two smaller dogs came running in - should have known something was not right.

I went outside to find and leash my Great Dane. She was in the neighbor's yard scuffling with their dog. I could not tell whether they were playing or fighting. A friend or relative of their's came in at the same time. We both yelled at the dogs. Barley ran off then came to me. I leashed her and waited for the other person. The dog acted timid, but I really thought they had just been playing. She said the dog was bleeding.

Our neighbor came over a little while ago. She was very nice, but she said their dog needed stiches. Since the dog had eaten today, the vet. was going to keep her overnight then sedate her tomorrow. She asked if we were going to get the bill. I told her of course we would. She was not sure which vet. her husband had said. I told her to just bring us the bill or something.

It seems like when it rains it poors. I am sure the vet. bill will not be small.