About Me

I am a 35-year old wife and mother. I work as a V.R. Counselor II for Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired. Currently, I am also a Distance Education graduate student at Auburn University working on my master's in Rehabilitation Counseling.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007


One of my female cousins sent this to me via e-mail. I really like it. No offense meant to the fellas out there, but woman do need to stick together.

Time passes.
Life happens.
Distance separates.
Children grow up.
Jobs come and go.
Love waxes and wanes.
Men don't do what they're supposed to do.
Hearts break.
Parents die.
Colleagues forget favors.
Careers end.
BUT.. Women are there, no matter how much time
and how many miles are between you.
A girl friend is never farther away than needing her can reach.

When you have to walk that lonesome valley and you
have to walk it by yourself, the women in your life will be on the valley's rim, cheering you on, praying for you, pulling for you, intervening on your behalf, and waiting with open arms at the valley's end.

Sometimes, they will even break the rules and walk beside you... or come in and carry you out.

Girlfriends, sisters, daughters, granddaughters, daughters-in-law, sisters, sisters-in-law, mothers, grandmothers, aunties, nieces, cousins, and extended family, all bless our life!
The world wouldn't be the same without women, and neither would I. When we began this adventure called womanhood, we had no idea of the incredible joys or sorrows that lay ahead. Nor did we know how much we would need each other.

Every day, we need each other still.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Visual DNA

any chance I get.&i10=http://dna.imagini.net/i/RESIZE_-4DF2091A.jpeg&c10=Theater, play, concert, or event? &i11=http://dna.imagini.net/i/RESIZE_-32FDF9D5.jpeg&c11=Too cool!&i12=http://dna.imagini.net/i/RESIZE_-4438A7CD.jpeg&c12=&i13=http://dna.imagini.net/i/RESIZE_658383D5.jpeg&c13=&moodlabel=EASY RIDER &lovelabel=HOME SOUL&funlabel=ESCAPE ARTIST&habitslabel=BACK TO BASICS&uid=137109-fa7d&srv=iwebcl5" align="middle" height="240" width="340">


Any ideas how to either get rid of the white up top or extend it through all of the text of the posts?

New Hobby

My husband and I are getting into the whole right to bare arms and have fun at the firing range philosophy. The top link is to my new revolver. I thought hard about the 9mms, but this made sense as a first gun for self-defense. The pistols are fun to shoot at the range, but the revolvers are a lot easier to load with less chance of an awkward misfire at an in oportune time. Besides, I can shoot his pistol at the range, too!!! He owns the one found at the second link. We are going shooting tomorrow at the range where next Sunday we are taking a gun course required to apply for carry permits.



This all started as a Christmas gift to my husband because he had been wanting us to rent guns at a range and target shoot for a long time. He enjoys reading the right to carry weapons laws (yeah...he loves the Discover Channel, too) and the various websites out there. I have always wanted to go to the range, but it scared me to think of having guns at home. Now, I am a little more leery of NOT having some personal and family protection other than my baseball bat. Plus I travel alone a lot for work, so having one available in the car makes sense, too.

We have already begun teaching our son about guns. He has permission to ask us to see either of our weapons at any time. We'll show them to him and let him hold them unloaded. He knows that they are not to be touched without one of us handing them to him. He knows that they are not pretend guns and will hurt or kill in real life and not like on television. He may be a little young to fully grasp the concepts, but he is very smart. We show him some of our used targets (and the holes in them). His daddy gives him little random pop quizzes about what to do and not do around our guns. Naturally, we put them out of his sight and reach, but we don't want him to be curious about them and think that they are something to sneak looks (or worse) at later. I know that he will grow up to respect guns and treat them responsibly. My only real worry is when he is older his friend won't have had the same training. Still, we won't leave them unattended at home. My husband my never take his off his person anyway once he has his carry permit- lol. We are thinking about moving to Wyoming in a few years for the scenery, low-humidity, and natural attractions. If that happens, my son will probably grow up with others children knowledgeable about firearms, so this may actually keep him from being the ignorant friend.

Anyway, range shooting is fun. I think even people that don't want to own guns should learn about them. Range shooting is a great way!

General Updates

Wow, I really haven't been posting. Sorry, but things have been a little wild. I take the Certified Rehabilitation Counselor (CRC) credentialing exam next month. Our class is the first one that Auburn is requiring to take and pass the exam as part of obtaining our master's degree instead of taking comprehensive exams at the university. The CRC is a professional credential / certification. The exam runs from 9:00 a.m. until about 4:30 p.m. with two separate 150 question sessions and a lunch break between them. You have to pass each section with at least a 70+% in order to obtain the credential. (I'm having flashbacks to taking the National Teacher's Exam and a specialty area - somebody wake me, please!)

Once past that little hurdle, I have to finish this semester, take three classes in the summer, pray (seriously) that I passed said CRC, then I graduate on August 4th. Hooray! The interesting thing here is that my son will then start kindergarten on August 6th. We will have exactly one day together that neither of us is in school. I'm having more trouble adjusting to his starting school than I thought I would. My protective (overly?) mommy instincts are coming out to play.

My son started Taekwondo lessons last Wednesday. We met with the instructor to see about him becoming a Lil' Dragon. He was supposed to get his uniform - too cute white two piece with a purple color, little dragon on the front, and large dragon on the back, but the instructor brought the size an average 4-year old would wear. NOT my 4-year old. The way it works with this martial arts program is that the student meets twice alone with the instructor (for a small fee, of course, that includes the uniform). If things go well, the child begins classes. My son meets with the instructor for the second time next Wednesday. He'll get his uniform then. His dad will have to take him because I'll be out of town. That made me a little sad until my son decided this was a lot of work, and it was my fault for getting him into this!

See, he has homework to do for next Wednesday. Actually, he has a lot of homework. This is new to him because he only spent about a year and a bit in nursery school and has been with his two grandmothers for the last year plus. They work with him on learning things, but no homework and LOTS of praise and rewards. LOL - this class is going to introduce him to the real world.

So, what homework would a 4-year old have for a martial arts class? He has to memorize the first (short) verse of their pledge, practice several blocks and kicks, and work on a whole chart full of things to show he is working to better himself. LOL, poor little guy looked and looks shell shocked. The chart is long and full of fun things like: brush your teeth, put the toothbrush and toothpaste up, dry the sink (rofl), pick up his room at night, put away his clean clothes, help clear the dinner table (uh-oh, mom's gotta start cooking), be respectful to all grown ups, etc... He is great and does a lot of the things already, but when you put it on a chart and tell him he has to earn stars and bring it back to the instructor in a week... he's a bit overwhelmed. The thing is that he has to do these things then recited the verse, demonstrate his blocks and kicks, and present his chart in order to EARN his white (first) belt next Wednesday. I LOVE IT! If all goes well, he starts the Lil' Dragons' class on Friday. (I'll be high tailing it back from Knoxville to take him to that... can't let dad be there alone for his first belt and first class!)

Let's just say that my son and I have had many talks about these first assignments being to earn his belt and the class will be different. His favorite line is that Taekwondo (yes, he can say it) isn't what he thought it would be. I tell him that the class will be but these first sessions are important. He said that it might be too much for him. Mean mommy said that he could now quit if he wanted to be a quitter. He did not like that idea at all. My deal was that he try it for a month. If he did not like it (he'll love it - you kidding, MY drama king?), he could then decide that it was not for him and stop the lessons. It took much contemplation and soul searching for him to agree to this. (Did I mention that he wanted them to have snacks each week as part of the deal, so I agreed to provide appropriate treats after the lessons? Hard negotiator my son.)

Even though we've had these disscussions, he still shows signs of being annoyed with me for getting him into this. Mind you the boy has been practicing fake karate moves forever and was very excited about this before the first meeting. LOL, still he has twice (once mildly and once with great heat and gusto) said that he would NOT have started this if it was not for ME suggesting it. He actually pretty much used those exact words. (We're in soooo much trouble later. He's way too smart for us.) The bottom line is that he won't let me discuss, practice, or correct him in anyway connected to Taekwando. (For example, he has to say, "Yes, sir" "No, sir" "Yes, ma'am" "No, ma'am" to adults all the time for instance. He's pretty good about it, but that's not good enough for this class - his grandmothers are loving it. He won't have me reminding him without expressing frustration.) That would be fine except I was the only one with him when he learned his blocks and kicks.

My first sign that I was now the bad guy for the first time with him came immediately after we got home after that first class. We were outside watining on his daddy to get home from work, so we could go to the carnival. I started going through his blocks. He put his hands over his ears, said for me not to do that, and someone might not like seeing me do that. He informed this shocked Mama that his DADDY would practice with him. Hmmm, okay, good for the father-son relationship, but what the....? This progressed to him covering his ears and saying stop saying that any time that I mentioned class-related items.

Well, I got the picture - especially after the two separate times he basically told me this was all my fault, but he didn't want to be a quitter. Fortunately, I have troops to call in for help. His granny is terrific at getting him to think things are his idea. They have worked on Bible memory versus together, so she was the natural to elicit help in getting him to learn his verse for next week. He also stays with her most of the week, so she's going to help with his behavior chart. His daddy is happy to help him practice his moves. My mama can back up all of this. My son seems perfectly willing to work with each of them as long as it does not involve demonstrating to me what he has been doing. It is a very good thing that his daddy is taking him next Wednesday!

Thursday, January 18, 2007


Well, I wanted to give the blog a new look... trouble is my links all went away. Blogger mentioned saving my old template, so I could restore it if I wanted. The problem is that I can't find it. Any ideas?

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Which LOTR character are you?

Test Results - Galadriel

You are most like Galadriel. There's just something about you that people like. A sort of aura. You're very kind to people, and you like to help others succeed. You're not as candid as most people would like. You don't have to share your deepest darkest secrets, but be more honest about things! You're more mature than most people your age, so don't worry!

What LoTR Character Are You?

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Time Keeps on Ticking....

Well, it's the new year. Wow, I can't believe that December is gone. This year proves to be full of challenge, stress, and happiness.

This is the next to the last semester of my master's program with Auburn. The Certified Rehabilitation Counselor (CRC) certification exam is in April - all day and 300 multiple confusion choice questions. If that goes well, my gang graduates on August 4th - can't wait!

More importantly this August will mark my son's 5th birthday, and he may start school shortly after his mother finishes. This will be one anxious mama! I wish that I had the ability and courage to home school, but sadly they eludes me for now.

My weight loss efforts will double or triple once I graduate. Hopefully, some success will ocur prior to that time. Maybe I can start walking or working out again. I am participating in 6-months of doctor supervised weight loss at present and may continue to pursue surgery if all else fails.

Anyway ... that's all for now.